Suomen Virtaustekniikka Oy

Ring Blade

Nex Flow Ring Blade (Air Wipe) is a lightweight, compact, and easy to install, piece of equipment that produces an even 360 degree blow-off around the part. These units are used for all types of extrusions – wire, cable rope, window profiles, automotive trip, extruded pipe, etc. Sizes are available from 9,5 mm diameter to 279 mm diameter as a standard.

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Nex Flow Ring Blade produces a “laminar” flow of air along its 360º angle using the “Coanda” effect. Ring Blade entrains a large volume of air from the surrounding area along with the small amount of compressed air to produce an output flow up to 30 times the compressed air input. The blow-off is angled against the direction of flow of the part to shear off moisture and dirt effectively, even for irregular shaped parts.

Ring blades are available in 3 versions, made of differend materials: Anodized aluminium (up to 66°C), Anodized aluminium with stainless steel hose (up to 200°C) and Stainless steel 316L (up to 430°C).

Heat Resistance
Heat Resistance
Stainless 316L
Heat Resistance
A mm (inches) B mm (inches) C mm (inches) Air Consumption
29999 29999X 9,5 (0.375″) 68,3 (2.69″) 63,5 (2.50″) 314
20000 20000X 20000XS-316L 12,7 (0.50”) 82,6 (3.25″) 66,8 (2.63″) 396
20001 20001X 20001XS-316L 25,4 (1.00”) 95,3 (3.75″) 76,2 (3.00″) 538
20002 20002X 20002XS-316L 50,8 (2.00″) 121 (4.75″) 102,6 (4.00”) 850
20003 20003X 20003XS-316L 76,2 (3.00″) 146 (5.75″) 127 (5.00″) 1132
20004 20004X 20004XS-316L 102,6 (4.00″) 171 (6.75”) 153 (6.00″) 1444
20005 20005X 20005XS-316L 127,0 (5.00″) 197 (7.75″) 178 (7.00″) 1700
20006 20006X 20006XS-316L 153 (6.00″) 222 (8.75″) 203 (8.00″) 2010
20007 20007X 20007XS-316L 178 (7.00″) 248 (9.75″) 229 (9.00″) 2266
20009 229 (9.00″) 299 (11.75″) 279 (11.00″) 2880
20011 279 (11.00″) 349 (13.75″) 330 (13.00″) 3480

Youtube presentation video of Ring Blades

Additional information

Size (mm)

9,5 mm, 12,7 mm, 25,4 mm, 51 mm, 76 mm, 102 mm, 127 mm, 152 mm, 178 mm, 229 mm, 279 mm


Anodisoitu alumiini (max 66°C), Anodisoitu alumiini (max 200°C), 316L ruostumaton (max 430°C)